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Induced leakage and hydrochemical changes in a deep alluvial aquifer, Lower Murrumbidgee. IAH05 Where waters meet, 28 November-2nd December, Auckland, New Zealand. CD Published by the New Zealand Hydrological Society, ISBN 0-473-10627-2. Timms, W. and Acworth, I. Conference presentations 2005
Rethinking a conceptual model: advective versus diffusive chloride flux in a low permeability clay sequence. International Association of Hydrogeologists, Congress, Dijon, France Aquifer Systems Management, 30 May - 1 June, 2006. Timms, W. and Acworth, R. Conference presentations 2006
Darling Point Groundwater Supply Development. UNSW Water Research Laboratory Technical Report 2005/30. Timms, W. and Badenhop, A. Technical reports 2005
Bungendore Regional Groundwater Flow Model - Historic Rainfall Variability and Uncertainty Analysis. UNSW Water Research Laboratory 2006/02. Timms, W. and Badenhop, A., Technical reports 2006
Yamba Hill Groundwater Level Monitoring. UNSW Water Research Laboratory 2005/34. Timms, W. and Pells, S. Technical reports 2005
Groundwater quality in an aquifer aquitard system subjected to large volume abstraction for irrigation in the Lower Murrumbidgee. Murray-Darling Basin Groundwater Workshop Integrated Perspectives, 14-16th September, 1999, Griffith, p131-136. Timms, W., Acworth R. I., Jankowski, J. & Lawson, S. Conference presentations 1999
Groundwater resources and potential for managed aquifer recharge, North-Eastern Botany sands, Sydney. In: Proceedings of OzWater07, 4-7 March 2007, Sydney. CD published by Australian Water Association, ISBN 987-0-908255-67-2. Timms, W., Acworth, I Conference presentations 2007
Pre-feasibility assessment of managed aquifer recharge in the Botany aquifer. UNSW Water Research Laboratory Technical Report 2006/33. Timms, W., Acworth, I., Badenhop, A., Merrick, N, Technical reports 2006
Interactions between groundwater and artificial ponds in the northern Botany aquifer, Sydney, Australia. In: Riberio, L, Chambel, A., Condesso de Melo MT (Eds). Groundwater and Ecosystems. Proceedings of International Association of Hydrogeologists XXXV Congress, Groundwater and Ecosystems, 17-21 September, 2007, Lisbon, Portugal. ISBM 978-989-95297-3-1. Timms, W., Acworth, I., Turner, I Conference presentations 2007
Downhole Geophysical Logging Near Appin and Helensburgh. UNSW Water Research Laboratory Technical Report 2004/24. Timms, W., Acworth, R. I. & Anderson, D. Technical reports 2004
