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Shallow groundwater dynamics in smectite dominated clay on the Liverpool Plains of New South Wales. Australian Journal of Soil Research, 39.2, 203 - 218. DOI 10.1071/SR00002. Timms, W., Acworth, R. I. & Berhane, D. Technical journals & books 2001
Quantifying leakage and mixing in an alluvial aquifer system: A combined hydrochemical and hydrodynamic modelling approach constrained by isotopic evidence. In: K-P Seiler & S. Wohnlich (Editors), New Approaches to Characterising Groundwater Flow, Balkema, Rotterdam, 419-423. Timms, W., Acworth, R. I. & Jankowski, J. Technical journals & books 2001
Induced leakage due to groundwater pumping and flood irrigation at the Pullaming Agricultural Field Station, Liverpool Plains. UNSW Water Research Laboratory, Research Report No. 208. Timms, W., Acworth, R.I. Research reports 2002
Quantifying leakage and mixing in an alluvial aquifer system: a combined hydrochemical and hydrodynamic modelling approach constrained by stable isotope evidence. In: Seiler & Wohnlich (Eds.) Proceedings of the XXXI IAH Congress on Groundwater New Approaches to characterizing groundwater flow: Munich, Germany, 10th - 14th September, 2001. Timms, W., Acworth, R.I., Jankowski, J. Conference presentations 2001
Groundwater quality trends related to aquitard salt storage at selected sites in the Lower Murrumbidgee alluvium, Australia. Groundwater: In Sililo et al. (Editors), Past Achievements and Future Challenges, Balkema, Rotterdam, ISBN 90 5809 159 7, 655-660. Timms, W., Acworth, R.I., Jankowski, J. & Lawson, S. Conference presentations 2000
Groundwater quality trends related to aquitard salt storage at selected sites on the Lower Murrumbidgee alluvium, Australia. In: Sililo et. al (Ed) Proceedings of the XXX International Associated of Hydrogeologists Congress on Groundwater: Groundwater: Past Achievements and Future Challenges, Cape Town, South Africa, 26 November - 1 December, 2000, pp. 655-660. Timms, W., Acworth, R.I., Jankowski, J., Lawson, S. Conference presentations 2000
Natural leakage pathways through cracking smectite clay: a hydrogeological synthesis of data from the Hudson Agricultural Trial site on the Liverpool Plains. UNSW Water Research Laboratory, Research Report No. 209. Timms, W., Acworth, R.I., Young, R. Research reports 2002
Groundwater Education Workshop Series - Workshop Materials. Includes CD-ROM. Published October 2008 by Sydney Coastal Councils Group and the UNSW Water Research Laboratory. Timms, W., Anderson, D Technical reports 2008
Nitrate sources, sinks & significance in aquifers. Invited presentation to AWA Water and Health workshop, 24 May 2007, Sydney. Timms, W., Anderson, D., Badenhop, A., Cunningham, I Conference presentations 2007
WRL Technical Report 2008/26.. Timms, W., Anderson, D., Schwarz, M, Wasko, C. Technical reports 2008
