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Title and publication source Authors Publication typesort descending Links Year
A Review of Probability Aggregation Methods in Earth Sciences Geostatistics. Geostats 2012 Oslo, Norway June 11-15 Comunian, A, Allard, D & Renard, P Conference presentations 2012
Adaptive Spatial Resampling Applied to Seismic Inverse Modeling. Geostats 2012 Oslo, Norway June 11-15 eong, C, Mukerji, Z & Mariethoz, G Conference presentations 2012
Statistical downscaling of land-atmospheric variables using Direct Sampling method. Geomatrix12 Mumbai, India 26-29 February Jha, S & Mariethoz, G Conference presentations 2012
Conditional simulation of realistic meandering channels using 1D multiple-point simulations . Geostatistics Oslo 2012 Mariethoz, G, Comunian, A, Irarrazaval, I & Renard, P Conference presentations 2013
Insights in paleoclimate variability through the variographic analysis of stalagmite time series. Geostatistics Oslo 2012 Mariethoz, G, Kelly, B.F.J., & Baker, A Conference presentations 2012
Reconstruction of multivariate satellite images using multiple-point statistics . 2012 Oslo, Norway June 11-15 Mariethoz, G, Renard, P. & McCabe, MF Conference presentations 2012
Guidelines to Perform Multiple-Point Statistical Simulations with the Direct Sampling Algorithm. Geostatistics Oslo 2012 Merschman, E, Mariethoz, G, Straubhaar, J., Van Merivenne, M & Renard, P. Conference presentations 2012
Using Climatic Insights to Guide Stochastic Process-Based Modelling of a Valley Filling Fluvial Sequence in the Murray-Darling Basin, Australia. British Sedimentological Research Group 51st Annual General Meeting, UCD School of Geological Sciences, University College Dublin, 18th - 20th December 2012 Comunian A., Mariethoz G., Kelly B.F.J. Conference presentations 2012
Geotechnical centrifuge permeater for characterizing the hydraulic integrity of partially saturated confining strata for CSG operations. In: Brown A, Figueroa L, Wolkersdorfer Ch (eds)(2013) Reliable Mine Water Technology (Vol I). – 1–778; Denver, Colorado, USA (Publication Printers). Proceedings of the International Mine Water Congress, Colorado School of Mines, August 5-9, 2013 Bouzalakos S, Timms W, Rahman P, McGeeney D, Whelan M. Conference presentations 2013
The importance of confining strata integrity in mining, coal seam gas ex-traction and geological storage of industrial waste (CO2 and nuclear): towards early detection indicators of potential groundwater contamination. 6th International Conference on Sustainable Development in the 1 Minerals Industry, 30 June – 3 July 2013, Milos island, Greece Bouzalakos S. and W.A. Timms Conference presentations 2013
