The Elders Night 2010 - hosted by IAH NSW

Posted 3 January 2011

The Elders Night, presented by the International Association of Hydrogeologists New South Wales Branch (IAH-NSW).

Panel members:
George Gates, Frans Kalf and Michael Knight

Wendy Timms, Liz Webb, Graham Hawkes

1) Panel member introduction including the member's brief professional history, life career
achievements, and sharing the lessons learnt with younger generations
2) Open questions including:
a) groundwater education covering available professional training and education in hydrogeology in NSW and Australia wide, professional's various background education skills, and how they have assisted in profession development;
b) groundwater management discussing water management in NSW, the Murray Darling Basin,
future State and Federal government role in controlling the surface and groundwater policies, how this is going to affect budgets and who will be providing future technical services, and undertaking technical programs;
c) groundwater modelling covering development of sophisticated software and how this has changed the level of accuracy; is there value in going back to basics with analytical calculations; are complex groundwater models warranted given the cost of model development and data collection.
d) Future of hydrogeology
