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Title and publication source Authors Publication type Links Year
A general parallelization strategy for random path based geostatistical simulation methods. Computers and Geosciences vol 36 (7), pp. 953-958. Mariethoz, G Technical journals & books 2010
Acidification and trace metal mobility in soil and shallow groundwater on the Gnangara Mound, Western Australia. World Congress of Soil Science, Brisbane, QLD, Australia, 16 August 2010. Ward, J, Andersen, MS, Appleyard, S, & Clohessy, S Conference presentations 2010
An improved parallel multiple-point algorithm using a list approach. Mathematical Geosciences. Straubhaar, J, Renard, P, Mariethoz, G, & Besson, O Technical journals & books 2010
Analytical methods that use natural heat as a tracer to quantify surface water-groundwater exchange, evaluated using field temperature records. Hydrogeology Journal vol 18 (5), pp1093-1110. Rau G, Andersen MS, McCallum A. & Acworth RI Technical journals & books 2010
Analytical methods that use natural heat as a tracer to quantify surface water-groundwater exchange, evaluated using field temperature records. USGS seminars Menlo Park (California), Reno (Nevada), Salt Lake City (Utah), Boulder (Colorado) July 2010. Rau G. & Andersen, MS Conference presentations 2010
Analyzing parameter sensitivities in a complex distributed hydrological model using remotely sensed surface temperatures'. Remote Sensing and Hydrology 2010 Symposium, Jackson Hole, Wyoming, USA, September 27-30, 2010. Stisen, S, McCabe, MF Conference presentations 2010
Bayesian inverse problem and optimization with iterative spatial resampling. Water Resources Research no 46. Article number W11530 - 1178. Mariethoz, G, Renard, P, & Caers, J. Technical journals & books 2010
Calibration of speleothem δ18O with instrumental climate records from Turkey. Global and Planetary Change vol 71 (3-4), pp. 207 - 217. Jex, CN, Baker, A, Fairchild, IJ, Eastwood, WJ, et al. Technical journals & books 2010
Centrifuge permeameter testing, cores, bores and geophysics for characterising aquitards and leaks. Groundwater 2010, Canberra, Australia 31 October-4 November, 2010. Timms WA, Acworth RI, Greve A & Whelan M. Conference presentations 2010
Centrifuge permeameter testing, cores, bores and geophysics for characterising aquitards and leaks. Groundwater 2010, Canberra, ACT, Australia, 31 October - 4 November 2010. Timms, WA, Whelan, M, Greve, AK & Acworth, RI Conference presentations 2010
