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Improvement of storage-discharge relationships for runoff-routing models. Australian Journal of Water Resources, 2:77-88. Sriwongsitanon, N, Cordery, I. & Ball, J.E. Technical journals & books 1998
An investigation of the relationship between the flood wave speed and parameters in runoff-routing models. Journal of Hydrological Science, 43(2):197-213. Sriwongsitanon, N., Ball, J.E. & Cordery, I. Technical journals & books 1998
Analyzing parameter sensitivities in a complex distributed hydrological model using remotely sensed surface temperatures'. Remote Sensing and Hydrology 2010 Symposium, Jackson Hole, Wyoming, USA, September 27-30, 2010. Stisen, S, McCabe, MF Conference presentations 2010
An improved parallel multiple-point algorithm using a list approach. Mathematical Geosciences. Straubhaar, J, Renard, P, Mariethoz, G, & Besson, O Technical journals & books 2010
An improved parallel multiple-point algorithm using a list approach. Mathematical Geosciences vol 43 (3) pp 305-328. Straubhaar, J, Renard, P, Mariethoz, G, Froidevaux, R &, Besson, O Technical journals & books 2011
List-based algorithm for multiple-point statistics simulation. geoENV10 , Gent, Belgium, 13-15 September 2010. Straubhaar, J, Renard, P, Mariethoz, G, Froidevaux, R, & et al Conference presentations 2010
Parallel implementation of the Direct Sampling algorithm on GPU . geoENV2012 Valencia, Spain September 19-21 Straubhaar, J., Renard, P. & Mariethoz, G Conference presentations 2012
Physical and numerical modelling of infiltration through a landfill cover. International Conference on Engineering Geology, Athens, Greece, July, Balkema, pp 2203-2208. Swarbrick, G.E. & Koupai, J.A. Conference presentations 1997
Accelerating geostatistical simulations using graphics processing units (GPU). Computers and Geosciences. Vol. 46, p. 51 – 59 Tahmasebi, P, Sahimi, M, Mariethoz, G & Hezarkhani, A Technical journals & books 2012
3D Analysis of Irrigation Bore Water Chemistry Data from the Namoi Catchment. Cotton Catchment Communities CRC summer scholarship final report, Version 2, 9th February, 40 pages. The C. and Kelly B.F.J. Research reports 2009
