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Analysis of Pore Pressure Distribution in Shale Formations under Hydraulic, Chemical, Thermal and Electrical Interactions. Transport in Porous Media. Vol. 92 p. 61 -81 Roshan, H & Aghighi, MA Technical journals & books 2012
Use of heat as tracer to quantify vertical streambed flow in a two-dimensional flow field. Water Resources Research. Vol. 48, 16pp Roshan, H, Rau, GC, Andersen, MS & Acworth, RI Technical journals & books 2012
Speleothem isotopic evidence of winter rainfall variability in northeast Turkey between 77 and 6 ka. Quaternary Science Reviews. Vol. 45, p. 60 – 72 Rowe, PJ, Mason, JE, Andrews, JE, Marca, AD, Thomas LE, Van Calsteren, P, Jex, CN, Vonhof, HB & Al-Omari, S Technical journals & books 2012
An Initial Investigation into the Organic Matter Biogeochemistry of the Congo River. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta. Vol. 84, p. 614 – 627 Spencer, R, Hernes P, Aufdenkampe, A, Baker, A, Gulliver, P, Stubbins A, Aiken, G., Dyda R, Butler, K., Mwamba, V., Mangangu, A, Wabakanghanzi, J & Six J Technical journals & books 2012
Accelerating geostatistical simulations using graphics processing units (GPU). Computers and Geosciences. Vol. 46, p. 51 – 59 Tahmasebi, P, Sahimi, M, Mariethoz, G & Hezarkhani, A Technical journals & books 2012
Implications of deep drainage through saline clay for groundwater recharge and sustainable cropping in a semi-arid catchment. Australia, Hydrology and Earth System Sciences. Vol. 16, p. 1203 – 1219 Timms, WA, Young, R & Huth, N Technical journals & books 2012
Pathways for adaptive and integrated disaster resilience. Natural Hazards (DOI 10.1007/s11069-013-0797-5) Riyanti Djalante, Cameron Holley, Frank Thomalla and Michelle Carnegie Technical journals & books 2013
Deliberative Participation, Environmental Law and Collaborative Governance: insights from Surface and Groundwater Studies. Environmental and Planning Law Journal 30(1), 32-55 Cameron Holley and Darren Sinclair Technical journals & books 2013
Determination of vertical hydraulic conductivity of aquitards in a multilayered leaky system using water-level signals in adjacent aquifers. Journal of Hydrology, doi: 10.1016/j.jhydrol.2013.07.030 Jiang Z, Mariethoz G, Taulis M, Cox M Technical journals & books 2013
Conditioning a surface-based model to wells and thickness data. Mathematical Geosciences, doi: 10.1007/s11004-013-9455-4 Bertoncello A, Sun T, Li H, Mariethoz G, Caers J. Technical journals & books 2013
